MHE Consulting is a small but dynamic environmental consultancy based in the Waveney valley on the Norfolk/Suffolk border. We provide bespoke consultancy services to support project planning and consultation, as well as specialist mitigation and Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) roles.
We operate across East Anglia with a team of directly employed staff as well as collaborating with a strong, well-established local network of technical specialists. Our project portfolio is diverse, with clients ranging from private home-owners and developers to multi-disciplinary engineering consultancies, public sector bodies including the Environment Agency and Internal Drainage Boards and local charities.
Our key skills include:
Knowledge of UK and European environmental legislation and conservation policy, and national and local planning policy.
Ecological surveys including Phase 1 and UK Habitat Classification, river habitats, bats, water voles, Great Crested Newts, reptiles, badger and more.
Design and implementation of large, complex mitigation strategies for protected species.
Natural England protected species licensed work.
Contribution to the planning application process, including specialist report production (PEA, EcIA, EIA co-ordination, HRA, Mitigation Strategies/Method Statements, BMS, CEMP, LEMP and similar).
Environmental/Ecological Clerk of Works (ECW).